Newsletter Update Jan. 2018

Event date and location info for 2018

SeaSpray Canadian Nationals at Osoyoos, BC on April 20, 21 and 22nd 2018.  This event planning is in the early stages and would include the F16 catamaran class.  Reason for the date change for the regatta is the fact that the spring winds are more reliable.  Check the Osoyoos Sailing Club website for Notice of Race.

North Americans in 2018 at Big Lagoon, Humboldt County, California on Sept 1, 2 and possibly 3rd.  This location is in the northern part of the state on the Pacific Ocean but is an enclosed body of water.  Reason for site location is the fact that it is a days travel shorter than Southern California.  There is a regatta at this site called the RedWood Regatta on this weekend.  I do not have any more info concerning places to stay but possibly there is a campground or it might be ok to camp near the regatta site.  Early bookings would be good planning if you are going to attend. Some pictures below show last year's event?.

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More Winter Project Thoughts

In the last newsletter I used a number of photos to show how to remove portions of the decks to facilitate repairs or upgrades.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW these photos on the website.  Here are a couple more thoughts regarding the re-decking portion of the project.

You should use a layer of glass cloth between the hull and deck lip or contact area.  Wet, with catalyzed resin, both sides of the hull and deck lips where contact will be made.  You can use a table or bench covered with a bit of polyethylene to facilitate wetting the glass strips or just place the strips of glass on the contact area and wet it out there.  Click Here for Example Photo

After the glass strips cover all of the contact areas and the glass strip has been wetted with resin, thicken the remaining resin with some micro-balloons or some other type of filler and use the paintbrush used to apply the resin to dab a little bit of the thickened resin (thickened enough that it hardly flows anymore) along the contact area.  This thickened resin and the glass strips will help to fill any voids and make for a strong joint when the deck is re-attached and clamped. Click Here for Example Photo

SeaSpray Molds

Glenmore sailboats still have an alignment jig, a number of hull, deck and daggerboard slot molds located at the retail outlet in Calgary.  The association has been tossing the idea of doing something with the molds and some discussion at the September 2017 AGM took place.  A committee of three members was struck to investigate and determine whether or not to proceed with an action regarding the molds and to report back within six months of this meeting (March 2018).  The right of first refusal was granted to the association by Glenmore Sailboats in August 2012.   Glenmore Sailboats had offered the molds and equipment at sometime in the past for a set price however no action by the association has been undertaken.  Hopefully, the committee will recommend some definitive action be taken to finally take care of this business.

Editorial Comment

For those of you who like to tinker, an old SeaSpray is an excellent platform to start with.  Disregarding the class rules and looking at whatever possibilities modern sail, spar, foil, weight reduction and hull shape advancements have happened, do whatever you like to enhance the performance of the boat.  Future SeaSpray events could welcome a modified boat to help gauge performance.  Perhaps a loose set of rules would be enough if the boat length of 15' stays the same, the sail size limits of 125 sq. ft  and maximum boat width of 6'6".   An addition to the class rules to allow an experimental class with a different boat name and the above loose rules to compete at SeaSpray events would be a positive evolvement of the present rules.

If you have any comments, questions or articles, please submit by  email.

If your email address has changed please Email me:

Don Snell