Newell Sailing Club Prairie Wind  July 9 -10,  2022

There is no Notice of Race published on the club website yet but keep checking.  There is camping booking information on THIS website for those of you needing an RV site and there will be n/c tent camping on the club's property Friday and Saturday night.  www.newellsailingclub.com

Alberta Beach Catamaran Clinic  Aug 5, 6 and 7th 2022
New event open to all catamaran types.  Here's a chance to collaborate on boat setup, capsize recovery options, sailing activity, socializing, and any topic you may be interested in.  The goal is to get more catamaran sailing activity province wide.  Check the website 
https://sites.google.com/view/albertacatamaransailor/home for more info.  Make plans to take part even if it is only part of the three days.  This will take place at Newell Sailing Club and tent camping will be offered at n/c on the club's property.  N/C for this event.  Please RSVP to albertabeachcatamaransailor@gmail.com   Let your friends know.

Osoyoos Sailing Club Regatta   Sept 9, 10 and 11th 2022

There is a Notice of Race for the 2022 Canadian SeaSpray Championship and online registration link on the SailOsoyoos.ca website.  Please read it and plan to attend.