Don Snell sent this along regarding the Prairie Wind Regatta in Brooks, AB
Hi All,
The Newell Sailing Club will host a very non-typical regatta at our regular time frame July 11 and 12th 2020. It will still be called the "Prairie Wind" Regatta however it will be a "bring your own food and beverages" event. There will be some (possibly 10 or more) on site tent camping spaces available. Hotels and other camping are available in the area as well as there may be space left in Kinbrook Island Campground as well.
You should contact John by phone (number on the notice of race) to let him know you will be attending so that we can follow government regulations in regards to our current viral situation. At the moment the club hall and other buildings on the club's grounds will be off limits (this may be subject to change). The park bathrooms will be available for public use.
The club will follow the current health regulations and expect members, competitors and guests to follow all mandated requirements.
I have attached the Notice of Race and also you can view it on the Newell Sailing Club's website under the regattas page. Planned races to a maximum of 10.
We do not expect a large number of competitors but we could attract a fair contingent of SeaSpray sailors.
You may also contact me at 403 362 7196 Don, for more information. Please continue to check the Newell Sailing Club's webpage for info or changes to this event.
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from Steve Sherry...
In regards to the late Terry Clow
I remember his sail. It may be owned by Phil Minnehan. Terry was a fun guy. We had good adventures on the water.