In light of the big hole the loss of the Osoyoos September regatta has left, it's time for the competitive members to think about how to fill this void.  Pass your thoughts along for consideration.  Keep the second full weekend of September open for an event somewhere.  

COSA Springtime Regatta at Central Okanagan Sailing Association  May 20, 21  On line registration

CYC Icebreaker Regatta at Calgary Yacht Club June 2-4th
  On line registration.  This is a close one for a lot of us.

Founders Regatta at Wabamum Sailing Club June 10, 11th 
  On line registration.  

Driftwood Regatta at Glenmore Sailing Club June 17, 18th
  Keep checking their website for registration info.

Prairie Wind Regatta at Newell Sailing Club July 7,8,9th
 SEASPRAY Canadian Nationals - three days.  Keep checking their website.

Catamaran Clinic at Newell Sailing Club July 28, 29, 30th
  Keep checking their website for registration info. 

If you plan on attending one of these events for the first time try to contact someone at the club about where to stay, where to set up your boat, etc. etc.  If you have a chance to view the facilities beforehand it would be helpful to find boat setup spots, potential camping/RV spots if any, etc.  If you don't sail your Seaspray competitively come to the Catamaran Clinic for some fun sailing and socializing.

Getting a new set of sails can make a big difference to your boat especially if you still have an original set of Taylor sails from Lakeside Montana.  Besides improvements to the look of your boat a new set of sails will improve your performance.  Look after them by rolling them after use and try to keep them from flogging.  It may be necessary to do some adjustments after getting the sails so hopefully you live close to the sailmaker.  At the very least get your old set repaired if they need it.

A thing I like to do when we visit other areas and there is a sailing club or a marina, is to walk about and look at how boats are set up.  If I see something that is of interest it's easy to take a phone picture for later study.  In the winter I spend a little time looking at you tube videos and occasionally I look at boat setup videos.  There have been some very good ones especially on the laser.  Have a look yourself sometime and maybe you will find something that will inspire you to incorporate it on your boat or trailer. 

 I would like to invite you to write an article on something related to your Seaspray, boat trailer, sailing club, launch site or sailing site.  Include a picture or two.  We have a forum as well where you can pose questions.  Send your article with pictures by return email.